We are certified mediators with experience in family and business mediation. We are also certified as registered mediators by the Ministry of Interior so we frequently work as mediators for the court. We work closely with the Social Department for Child Protection where we help parents – mostly after separation – to reach an agreement in child care.
Although we are aware of the fact, that in western countries mediation is much better known and used than in the Czech Republic, we feel that it is necessary to mention something about mediation in general:
Mediation is a way to help settle disputes out of court. The conflict participants with a mediator´s active assistance work together to reach an acceptable consensus and finally achieve a Mediation Agreement. Mediation gives the participants the unique opportunity to hear and understand each other, to improve the existing situation and to set acceptable rules for the future.
A successful mediation has 3 main principles:
- Voluntariness
- Secrecy
- Impartiality
If all three principles are adhered to, the success rate can be up to 85%.
If you feel that mediation is just what you currently need, please do not hesitate and contact us on:
Lea Dallal | dallal@mediatoripraha.cz | 602 870 339 |
Zuzana Benešová | benesova@mediatoripraha.cz | 603 884 004 |